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Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Logic Puzzles 1 [With Answers]

Puzzle 1: A photograph measuring 8.5 by 7.5 cm is to be enlarged. If the enlargement of the longer side is 13.6 cm, what is the length of the smaller side?

Answer: 12 cm.

Solution: (13.6 ÷ 8.5) × 7.5
= 12 cm.

Puzzle 2: Place two letters in each set of brackets so that they form a word when tacked onto the letters on the left and form another word when placed in front of the letters on the right. The letters placed in the brackets must produce an eight letter word when read downwards in pairs.
HE (**) LY
HO (**) AR
AU (**) NK
CO (**) CH

Answer: restrain.


Puzzle 3: What is the value of the following expression?
Answer: 9

Solution: 81/9 = 9.

Puzzle 4: Which illustration doesn't belong with the others?
Answer: Octagon: 8 sides - should have 7 lines - but F has only 6 lines.

Solution: Each image has one fewer number of lines than the number of sides it has.
Triangles: 3 sides - 2 lines
Square: 4 sides - 3 lines
Pentagon: 5 sides - 4 lines
Hexagon: 6 sides - 5 lines
Octagon: 8 sides - should have 7 lines - but F has only 6 lines.

Puzzle 5: What is the missing number in the pie below?
Solution: The missing number is 6. The two numbers opposite each other always total 21.
15 + 6 = 21
The other numbers: 17 + 4 = 21
13 + 8 = 21
11 + 10 = 21.

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